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A Fox's Rescue Page 14
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Page 14
… A pause.
“I mean my sister’s!” she corrected herself, shaking her fist menacingly at figures that were no longer visible. “I won’t let you take my sister’s mate! Not until I’ve convinced him and Lilian to have a threesome with me!”
Such concern for the well-being of her sister’s mate was highly commendable.
Where… what…?
Kevin woke up to a splitting headache—and also a soft mattress on his back, but mostly the splitting headache. His head felt like an egg that had been cracked open with a mallet. There was a ringing in his ears, an obnoxious, shrill sound that made his teeth vibrate. Unpleasant didn’t begin to describe it.
What… what the heck hit me?
Using his confused mind, preoccupied by pain, he tried to recall what had happened to him. Unfortunately, his brain didn’t like that. Like sly foxes, the disjointed pieces of his memory frolicked away whenever he tried recalling them.
As the ringing in his ears faded, Kevin became aware of something he had missed upon first waking up. Giggling. Someone was giggling—no, multiple someones. He heard several giggles, all off time with each other. They surrounded him, these tinkling wind chimes of delicate noise that could only come from the fairer sex. He didn’t recognize any of the voices they belonged to, though, so that meant he was in unfamiliar company.
Kevin tried to ignore the giggling in favor of taking stock of his situation. Aside from his head feeling like something had split it open and began screwing with his brain, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with him. He was lying on something soft, a bed maybe. He was also lying in an uncomfortable position, with his hands resting against the headboard. His wrists itched too, like he had a rash or something.
I’m missing something here…
It wasn’t a feeling he liked these days, the knowledge that there was a large gap within his memory. He had the inexplicable sense that something had happened, and that this something was important. Yet, no matter how hard he wracked his brain, he couldn’t for the life of him figure out what he was missing.
Hushed whispers were soon added to the giggling.
“So this is a man, huh?”
“I’ve never seen a real man before.”
“Are they all supposed to be this big?”
That last comment made Kevin blush. He didn’t know what they were talking about, though he had his hopes. Considering he was suffering from a major case of morning wood, he felt his hypothesis was accurate.
“Shh, shh! I think he’s waking up!”
If I am waking up, then it’s your fault.
Deciding that he’d had enough of being in the dark, Kevin opened his eyes…
… And found himself staring into the giggling, blushing faces of several young, beautiful teenage girls. All of them were around his age. Their hair color and style varied. Some had long blond hair, others were redheads, and still some had hair that reminded him of the earth. Like their hair, their eyes varied greatly in color, size, and shape.
He stared at the girls, his mind trying to come to terms with what he was seeing. They stared back, eying him like hungry panthers who’d just set their sights on a gazelle. He noticed that all of these girls were wearing armor—very skimpy armor which did nothing to protect them. Their chest plates gleamed brightly in the low lighting and only covered their breasts, leaving their stomachs completely exposed, which allowed him a glimpse of their hard abdominal muscles. Some of these girls had a full-on six-pack! Plated armor ran down the sides of their hips, but only a small cloth covered their front. Consequently, this meant he could see their rippling, muscular thighs, which reminded him of those gymnasts he saw in the Olympics.
I think their muscles are bigger than mine.
Kevin felt his HP gauge take a major hit. He thought he’d gotten used to the concept of women being physically stronger than him. He lived with Kotohime, trained with Kiara, and got his ass kicked on a daily basis by Heather. Strong women surrounded him. He should have been used to it, but he wasn’t.
“Uh…” Kevin tried to think of something to say. “Hello?”
All the girls giggled some more. Kevin’s cheeks turned the fiercest shade of red. He was embarrassed, but he didn’t really know why.
And that’s when he realized something.
He was naked.
Naked and tied to a bed.
Naked, tied to a bed, and surrounded by beautiful teenage girls.
It took everything he had not to freak out.
“Hello,” one of the girls breathed, a beautiful blond with sun-kissed skin and vivid blue eyes. Kevin did not like the way she looked at him. It made him feel naked…
… Oh, wait. He was naked.
“I’ve never seen a man before,” another said, this one a girl with skin like mocha and dark brown eyes.
“So this is a penis?” another asked, and Kevin suddenly realized something else.
“Don’t touch that!” he snapped, trying to squirm away from the girl, who just giggled at his response and tried touching him again.
Fortunately, before the girl could actually grab his phallic weapon of DOOM, the curtains to his room—tent? (Just where the hell was he?)—opened, letting sunlight stream in. A shadow stood within the sunlight. The figure, decidedly female, stood in the entryway, her features shadowed by darkness, her figure a mere silhouette. Even though he could make nothing of her features, Kevin felt the annoyance radiating from her.
“What are you girls doing?” Her voice sounded young, incredibly so. It also sounded familiar, and he could have sworn he had heard it before. “I thought I told you girls that you were not allowed in here!”
Kevin would have found the way all of the girls cowered interesting… had it not been for the fact that he was tied to a bed—and naked. That sorta put a damper on things.
“We’re sorry, Lady Phoebe,” one of them apologized. “We were just curious. We didn’t get to see him when you brought him in and wanted to know what a man looked like.”
“So you disobeyed my direct orders and snuck into his room?” the one called Phoebe asked. Her voice contained a dangerous edge. Some of the girls shuddered. One of them did not.
Kevin stared at the back of a girl with pale skin. He tried not to stare at her backside, which was completely exposed, and instead focused on her long, black hair.
“You think you’re so hot now that you’re the village leader, don’t you?” the girl said in a haughty, arrogant way that suggested displeasure. “I remember a time when you were nothing but a crybaby who was always running to her mother when things didn’t go her way. Why should I listen to someone like you?”
“What was that?” The girl in the doorway hissed. The other girl appeared unfazed, but several of the girls around her looked frightened.
“You heard me.” The girl with raven locks crossed her arms. “Give me one good reason why I should listen to you.”
“Because if you don’t listen to me, I’ll beat you into submission just like I did when you contested my ascension to the position of village leader.”
Tension. The room became thick. Stifling. Suffocating. A battle of wills was taking place, and it caused all the other girls to squirm in discomfort. Even Kevin held his breath as the two stared each other down. The standoff lasted for several more seconds, and then the raven-haired girl looked away and tsked.
“Whatever,” the girl mumbled, walking over to the entrance where the other girl stood, bumping into her with a shoulder as she exited.
Slowly, as if the unruly female vacating meant it was time to make their own exit, the other girls left one by one, until it was only him and the female in the doorway.
An awkward silence quickly ensued—for Kevin, at least. He didn’t know how the girl felt.
“I apologize for my people’s uncouth behavior,” the girl said at last, breaking the silence. “They have never seen a man before, so they were naturally curious. I do hope you will forgive
them. They are good girls at heart, even Clymene.”
“Uh, it’s all right, I guess,” Kevin mumbled, and then realized that he was forgiving several girls who’d been gawking at him while he was naked. “Would you mind telling me what’s going on here? Like, you know, where am I? Why am I tied to a bed? Why am I naked? And, more importantly, who stripped me?”
The girl didn’t say anything. Kevin wished she would move away from the entryway. He couldn’t even see her face because the sun haloing her body cast her entire front in shadow.
“I suppose you do deserve some answers,” Phoebe said at last. She finally walked further into the room, revealing herself in all her scantily clad, armor-wearing glory.
Like the others, her breastplate only covered her breasts. It made him wonder if all the females here got their armor ideas from Queen’s Blade or Bikini Warriors. He did notice that her armor was far more elaborate than the others. Intricate and beautiful motifs created swirling designs and symbols along the silvery plates. Runes, they looked like. He wondered if they had a function beyond mere decoration. Her armor-plated skirt clinked together as she walked. She was barefoot, he noticed, with only a few bandages wrapped around her feet.
Long blond hair ran down her head, rolling like an ocean all the way down to the middle of her back. It framed a face that many of his friends would probably consider goddess-like in sheer beauty. A small, straight nose was set between bright cerulean eyes that stared at him with an expression that made him uneasy.
She stopped before his bed, and Kevin noticed that, although her eyes tried to remain locked onto his face, they occasionally moved down to where his erection was currently bared for her to see. He really wished he could move his hands to cover himself. Couldn’t these girls at least throw a blanket over him or something?
“Before I inform you of what your role is to be from now on, I believe cordial greetings and introductions are in order,” she said. Kevin’s head spun. That was a really formal and wordy way of saying: “I believe we should introduce ourselves to each other.” What the hell? “My name is Phoebe, and I am the chieftess of Kobustan Village.”
“Uh, Kevin Swift,” Kevin mumbled absently. Kobustan… now why did that sound so—ah! Wasn’t Kobustan a mountain near Baku? That meant he was near the Caspian Sea! How fortuitous was that? Now if only he could escape from this place, then he could hook up with Iris and…
… Kevin blinked as he realized something. He didn’t even know where Iris was.
“Uh, excuse me.” Kevin looked at the teenage village chieftess. “You wouldn’t know what happened to my friend, would you? She was the girl I was with on the train.”
“You mean the kitsune?” Phoebe frowned at him. Kevin had the distinct feeling he’d said something wrong. “I do not know what happened to that vixen, nor do I particularly care. That is not important anyway. What we must discuss now is what your role is going to be in my village.”
Kevin blinked. “My what?”
Phoebe ignored him. “I was very impressed by your fighting prowess. You are quite strong and skilled—for a human.”
“Uh, thanks, I guess. But, what’s this about my role in your village?”
“Yes, yes, I was getting to that.” Phoebe seemed to mistake his panic for excitement, for she gave him a very enchanting and very disturbing smile. “Our original plan was to gather as many men as possible in order to have them help us repopulate our numbers. However, after seeing you fight, I have decided that you will be the one who helps us increase our village’s dwindling population.”
“Eh?” Kevin stared at the girl, not quite comprehending her words.
“Your job will be to procreate with everyone in my village,” Phoebe continued.
“Your sperm shall ensure that our population increases back to its former glory.”
“And your genes will ensure that all of our children are strong and hardy.”
“They shall all become great warriors. Isn’t that exciting?”
“… Huh?”
Kevin wondered if the sizzling noise he heard was the sound of his brain being scrambled. He stared at the young female, her armor glistening, her beautiful face gazing at him with a dazzling smile. He didn’t feel very dazzled, however, mostly because his brain was still in the process of rebooting. For whatever reason, he kept seeing the words “does not compute” appear within his mind.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked out at last, “but what did you say?”
“I said—”
“I heard what you said!”
The girl, Phoebe, frowned at him. “If you heard what I said, then why did you ask me to repeat myself?”
“It was rhetorical,” Kevin mumbled. He took a deep breath, then slowly released it. Once calm, he gazed upon the woman who held him captive. “So, let me get this straight… you want me to have sex with the women of your village in order to produce children?”
Phoebe nodded. “That is an accurate summation of what I want, yes.”
Taking a moment to process this, Kevin only had one word that he could think to say.
Phoebe looked at him like he was an idiot. “What do you mean why? So my village can have strong offspring, of course.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Kevin tried not to snap at her. He believed he was marginally successful. “What I mean is why do you want strong offspring?”
At his question, Phoebe’s gaze became thoughtful. She cupped a hand to her chin, hummed, and then nodded. She removed the hand, letting it fall back to her side.
“I suppose it is only right that you be given an answer,” she said at last, “since you are going to be giving my village many children.”
Her last words really didn’t make Kevin feel any better.
“The reason we need you to help us sire offspring is because—”
The flap to the tent flipped open and a woman walked in. Her dark hair presented a stark contrast to Phoebe’s blond locks. Its shortness also gave her a very dissimilar appearance. She was older than Phoebe by at least a few years. Dark eyes were set into pale skin and a youthful face that looked a tad naive and eager to please.
“Polydora.” Phoebe frowned at the woman. “I believe I said that I did not wish to be disturbed while speaking to our esteemed prisoner.”
Kevin wondered about the distinct disparity between “esteemed” and “prisoner,” but he didn’t think on it for too long, and instead focused on the conversation happening in front of him.
Polydora dithered for a moment. “Yes, you did, My Lady. However, a situation has occurred that I have been told requires your aid.”
“A situation?” Phoebe raised an eyebrow. “What kind of situation?”
Kevin didn’t get to hear what Polydora said after that. The dark-haired female glanced at him, then leaned into Phoebe and whispered into the girl’s ear. His captive narrowed her eyes, her lips thinned into a tightly drawn line, and her fists clenched. She was clearly annoyed by something. He just wished he knew what.
“Ha… very well,” Phoebe said after several moments of what must have been some pretty deep contemplation. “I shall see to the intruder. You remain here and guard the esteemed Kevin Swift.” She gave her subordinate a fierce look. “Do not let anyone in, especially Clymene.”
“Of course, My Lady.”
Phoebe nodded, then turned to him.
“I apologize, but it appears I need to cut our meeting short.” To her credit, she actually did look awfully disappointed. “Something has come up that requires my immediate attention. I will return after it has been dealt with, and then I will answer your questions.”
Kevin wanted to ask her about what was going on. She’d said something about an intruder, hadn’t she? It was too bad she left before he could even open his mouth.
Another a
wkward silence ensued as he was left alone with Phoebe’s subordinate. This time, he was not the only one to find it as such.
The young woman, Polydora, he thought her name was, stared at him, her face aflame, twiddling her fingers. She reminded him of someone, an anime character from Natsumo Shinobi. He wondered if this girl also had stalkerish tendencies.
“So…” Kevin tried to start a conversation. “Would you mind getting me a pair of pants? It’s getting a little breezy in here.”
“I-I am terrible sorry, esteemed prisoner Kevin Swift,” Polydora apologized, even as she continued looking at his now flaccid phallus of DOOM. “However, I am afraid that I cannot comply with your request.”
“Tch, figures,” Kevin muttered, “and could you please not add the ‘esteemed prisoner’ to my name?”
“I am sorry, esteemed prisoner—I mean, Kevin Swift.”
“Whatever.” Kevin sighed, deciding to get comfortable. He could already tell that this woman would be no help. If he wanted to escape, he would need to come up with a plan on his own, and soon. He had no intention of being anyone’s sperm donor.
Iris was, to put it in the mildest term possible, pissed.
After Kevin had been kidnapped, she’d been forced to get off at the first stop. Some idiot had tried stopping her because, apparently, she could only get off at her designated stop.
That fool was probably still dancing around in his boxer shorts thinking he was a chicken.
After getting off the train, she’d been forced to figure out where Kevin was located, which wasn’t easy. She’d actually had to do some serious investigative work, which wasn’t her strong suit. She was just thankful that her enchantments were as good as they were. Thanks to them, she’d managed to discover that a group of horse-riding women in skimpy fantasy armor had been spotted near the Kobustan mountain. With that knowledge gained, she’d immediately set off toward where she hoped Kevin was being held captive.